Year | Referee's Treasurer |
2010 - | Lt Jane Pizii RN |
2004-2010 | Cdr Roger Baileff RN |
1998-2004 | Cdr John Large RN |
?-1998 | Lt Cdr Geraint Ashton Jones RN |
Appointment Secretary
Appointments are now done on a Combined Services basis but before that the Navy ran two local appointment secretaries based in Portsmouth (nowArea 3) and Plymouth (now Area 1). In those early years the more prestigious exchange appointments were done by the Secretary. Today the Combined Services Rugby Referees Federation appoint to nearly all of the major Service games although the RNRURS does input in to who it feels should officiate at the various levels of Army v RAF matches. I believe that Tania Ashton Jones, who for one year covered Area 3, is the only non referee to have held an official position in the RNRURS. Let me know if you know differently.
Area Appointment Secretary (One)
Year | Referee's Area Appointment Secretary (1) |
2013-15 | WO1 Gaz Fairbairn |
2012-13 | Lt Jane Pizii RN |
2009-2012 | Mr Bob Morrison |
2007-2009 | Lt Cdr Andy Watts RN |
2006-2007 | CPO Stu Clarke |
1996-2006 | Mr Steve Harland |
?-1996 | WO Ken Dobson |
Area Appointment Secretary (Three)
Year | Referee's Area Appointment Secretary (3) |
2014-2015 | Sgt S Davies ARURS |
2011-2014 | Mr Si Aldridge |
2009-2011 | Lt Cdr Matt Keirnan RN |
2005-2009 | Lt Cdr Andy Nelson RN |
2003-2005 | CPO Ian Pirie |
2000-2003 | CPO Paul Burton |
1998-2000 | CCWEA (Lt Cdr) Tim Bailey |
1997-1998 | Mrs Tania Ashton Jones |
-1997 | CPO Al Denham |
1994-? | CPO Chris Haywood |
Peter Cunningham |
Public Relations
Year | Referee's Public Relations |
2012 - | Lt Cdr Duncam McClement RN |
2007-2012 | Lt Cdr Phil Thorton RN |
2004-2007 | Cdr Stew Kilby RN |
Kit Sales
Year | Referee's Haberdashery |
2012 - | Lt Cdr Andy Harrison RN |
2009-2012 | WO1 Geoff Howells |
2005-2009 | Lt Cdr Andy Nelson RN |
2004-2007 | CPO Stu Clarke |
Lt Cdr (Cdr) Roger Baileff RN | |
1997 | Lt Cdr (Cdr) John Large RN |
1990-1997 | Lt (Lt Cdr) Geraint Ashton Jones RN |
Dinner Secretary
It would be wrong to simply list the Society’s Dinner Secretaries in a table. In the early years of Society dinners they alternated between Plymouth and Portsmouth. WO Ken Dobson was the organiser of proceedings in Plymouth and helped create the unique ambiance that became associated with the RNRURS Annual Dinner. In Portsmouth the dinners were organised by Lt Cdr Peter Cunningham RN who brought a special talent to providing an evening that was relaxed, convivial and full of special memories. With a changing society and indeed the Society is always changing the formal dinner has lapsed but from the first dinner in 1986 there were many very special evenings.
For a brief period the Society had a Membership Secretary but this is now incorporated in to the Secretary’s role. Up until 1991 Cdr Andrew Dent RN was the RNRURS Membership Secretary.